Conductivity Tester
- Measuring range: 0 to 5000µS/cm
- Precise and durable wide-range measuring cell
- Waterproof
- Made in Germany
- Modern and functional housing
- Outstanding price / performance ratio>
- 3-line display / overhead display at the push of a button
- Backlighting
- Waterproof (IP67)
- measuring range: 0.00 to 5.0mS/cm
- resolution. 0.01mS/cm
- measures ppm, mS/cm & temperature
- automatic temperature compensation
- easy-to-use 1-point recalibration function
- compact & robust design
- Bottle of 90ml
- Allows simple re-calibration of either your ETI conductivity meter or your HortiCare nutrient tester
- 2.76mS (28cF or 1932ppm) @ +25°C
- Modern and functional housing
- Outstanding price / performance ratio
- 3-line display / overhead display at the push of a button
- Backlighting
- Waterproof (IP65/67)
- pH meter with electrode and work/calibration set in case
- Measuring range: 0.00 to 14.00pH
- 3-line display / overhead display at the push of a button
- Backlighting
- Waterproof (IP65/67)