PH Measuring & Transducer
Price range
Special items
- SKU:
- 860-820
kit, consisting of:
model 8100 Plus pH meter
general purpose pH electrode
temperature probe
4.01 pH and 7.00 pH buffer solutions
carrying case
- SKU:
- 860-810
- SKU:
- P5305A
- SKU:
- 816-041
- SKU:
- 816-040
- SKU:
- PH40-2-2-00
- Measuring range: -1 to +15 pH
- Head transmitter for measuring chains with S7/S8 connector
- Output: 4-20mA = -1 to +15 pH
- Zero point: pH 7,0
- Slope: 59.2 mV/pH, uncompensated
- SKU:
- 816-050ff
- Variations in:
- pH Value
- SKU:
- G7500-PH/CON
- SKU:
- G7500-PH/CON/O2